Wednesday, 13 March 2019

IB to Become Exact Fare

As a lot of you would know that municipal bus company Ipswich Buses to be 'Exact Fare' only scheme. Already, many customers ain't very pleased about this as many rely on the Credit Voucher which is ending and more information is here:

In my personal views, its a bad and good idea because more people have technological solutions when acquiring a typical bus ticket from contactless and Ipswich Buses smartcard and its a useful solution as its quicker and more competitive, but the only problem IB don't have is M-Tickets - unless they have something in mind for the upcoming months and years. The bad thing however, is that customers still pay by cash and change and that's the upmost issue - this could basically cause quarrels between bus driver and customer as this will cause delays to their services. 

Some other bus companies do this as well, Cardiff Bus, and probably some more bus companies. 

As an employee at the Ipswich Transport Museum, AEC Swift 82 has signs, 'Exact Fare Only, No Change Given' and also Leyland Atlantean 6 has also git the same signs, and will those signs be seen on Ipswich Buses. 

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